Here are some of the results behind the hard work, dedication and playful exploration of my clients. As a result of their trust, I’ve had the privilege to work with so many incredible individuals and teams.
Their journeys and transformations are a true inspiration and I have so much love and awe for these amazing folks.

» Through Rebecca’s thought provoking questions I’ve gained new insights and identified action steps to align my business with who I am and for what I stand. She’s helped me to make my business more authentic, which in turn has made it so much easier for me to sell my services. Thank you! «

» What an amazing ride! It shook me to the core. Learning from you has taught me so much – I realize what becomes possible when you ask the right questions. Y’all empowered a shift that has been lingering within me for quite some time now.
So so beautiful, inspiring, touching and also so much fun! Thank you. «

» I was able to be as present as I haven’t felt in a long time. The mix of meditation, body work, self-inquiry processes, group work and free time was highly inspiring and enjoyable. It wasn’t until a couple of weeks later that I realized things were positively changing in my life and how much benefit taking quality time for myself had brought me. «

» While I launched my business, Rebecca sparked my development into an entrepreneur. I came away from her sessions with a strong belief in myself and the ability to drive forward in an authentic way. Rebecca’s acute curiosity, ability to synthesise lots of information, and graceful honesty gets clients to the core and to action quickly and effectively. «

» Rebecca and Mathias were able to help me see the reality behind what my mind comes up with. Whenever something bothers me and all the folks around me pushed the »standard societal conditioning«, they were able to point me in the right direction to look internally. This helped me to pulverize some major issues in no time. «
Rebecca met me as a human being – I immediately felt accepted as I am. She gave me the tools and showed me how to use them in real life.
~ Carla

» I was going through a very tough time and I needed to believe in myself. It wasn’t the typical chat between a therapist and patient where I felt sick. Rebecca met me as a human being – I immediately felt accepted as I am. She gave me the tools and showed me how to use them in real life. «

» Mathias and Rebecca were very accepting and humorous, and at the same time alert and critical in their remarks, giving helpful new perspectives on the questions and comments of the participants. The guided meditations and exercises have allowed me to expand my inner space and make new discoveries, or revive old truths. It was an inspiring experience exploring and connecting with myself again. «

» Rebecca has a fantastic way of asking questions, listening to my answers and following up with a deeper insight than I could have made myself. These insights open up tightly locked boxes within me and reveal things that I work on daily. She digs deep and that inclines me to want to be a better version of myself. «