To stand out in today’s busy world, you must learn how to use your voice to cut through the noise.
The Powerful Storytelling course empowers you to communicate with confidence and set yourself apart in both your personal and professional realm.


The 6 Week Group Course Includes:

➪ 6 modules of 90 minute virtual group calls
➪ Weekly review handouts for quick review and reference
➪ A private community channel with ongoing support throughout the program
➪ Personalised feedback by storytelling and communication expert


Program Schedule:

Week 1 – Building a Storyteller Mindset
Week 2 – Storytelling Frameworks
Week 3 – Voice Command
Week 4 – Body Mastery
Week 5 – Preparation Strategies
Week 6 – Personalised Live Reviews

You will leave from this course with:


➪ 10x speaking confidence
➪ Storytelling Frameworks for immediate application
➪ Reduced mental load and increased ease
➪ Greater Impact in your professional conversations and presentations
➪ Noticeable command of your most powerful professional tool…your voice

What folks are saying…

“I was so inspired by our meeting, I had so many ideas for another workshop that I’m facilitating in June.

Your inputs are so valuable for me and it gives me soooo much energy! Thanks a million…”

“What an amazing ride!  Learning from you all has taught me so much – I realize what becomes possible when you ask the right questions. Y’all empowered a shift that has been lingering within me for quite some time now.”

“Thank you Rebecca, today was both very touching and very helpful. I am still scared, but I have the courage to be authentic. The work with you gives me trust and courage, clarity and joy. This means a lot for me.”


The total cost of the course is 650 Swiss Francs.
The content and exercises in this course are designed for those who are new storytellers to those with intermediate experience.




This course is also available for teams. For more information about bringing Powerful Storytelling into your workplace, please download the PDF below.