Learn to create space for clear thinking, inner-stability and the confidence to move through your life with ease.
Declutter Your Thoughts.
Free Your Mind.
‣ Unleash an unshakeable inner confidence and stability under any circumstances.
‣ Learn to trust your internal compass to create powerful positive impact on your overall mental and physical health.
‣ Discover a safe space to process, declutter, explore and experiment.
‣ Rekindle a deep curiosity and playfulness in your approach to both personal and professional life.
‣ Clear headspace for a cluttered mind longing for creative expression and lighter living.
It’s Time To Debunk Some Myths About Your Mind
Here are 6 of the most common mental misconceptions that keep us stuck in our heads.

Mindset training is pep-talks and positive thinking.
Mindset work is not easy, and inspiration alone won’t cut it for real transformation. You already know much of what you need to do. That’s not the issue.
This work focuses on getting real with how you sabotage your own efforts, and there is no one-way-fits-all formula. Become aware of your habits, patterns and beliefs and you begin putting your mind to work FOR you.

I am in control of my own thoughts.
You are not in conscious control of most of what pops into your mind. This idea often leads to the belief that we can simply replace negative thoughts with positive ones and be done with it. But you know from personal experience that this doesn’t work.
Instead you can learn to consciously choose what thoughts you feed and which you allow to flow through.

If I just put in more effort, I’ll get there.
This is one of the best myths to debunk, because it releases so much energy when you realise that it’s not about doing more and more, but instead learning to work WITH your mind instead of waging war against it.
With mindset coaching we learn to get real with our thoughts, uncover what’s blocking us and interrupt the old patterns to create powerful results.
My thoughts indicate my character.
Your choices, not your thoughts, build the base of your character. Everyone has thoughts that pop into their minds of which they don’t approve.
The counter-intuitive truth is that, when you focus on “getting rid” of these thoughts, you are actually feeding them more energy to stick around. The awareness and integration of this simple fact will shift your mindset.
Every thought is worth considering/pondering.
I believed this myth for so many years. “I should see what’s behind this thought because every thought means something.” Wrong. I wasted a lot of energy.
Just like the internet, there are plenty of “thought-sites” that are junk. You don’t need to explore it to recognise that it doesn’t benefit you. You can learn to let some thoughts flow through and then just keep on goin’.
The thoughts that repeat show what’s important to me.
This plays well with “Every thought is worth considering” because it assumes that the more a thought comes up, the more you need to give it attention.
Mindset coaching gives you the tools to interrupt thought-loops that aren’t serving you and to start consciously creating and feeding new thoughts and beliefs that build energy and momentum towards your desired goals.

» Through Rebecca’s thought provoking questions I’ve gained new insights and identified action steps to align my business with who I am and for what I stand. She’s helped me to make my business more authentic, which in turn has made it so much easier for me to sell my services. Thank you! «

» Rebecca has a fantastic way of asking questions, listening to my answers and following up with a deeper insight than I could have made myself. These insights open up tightly locked boxes within me and reveal things that I work on daily. She digs deep and that inclines me to want to be a better version of myself. «

» I was going through a very tough time and I needed to believe in myself. It wasn’t the typical chat between a therapist and patient where I felt sick. Rebecca met me as a human being – I immediately felt accepted as I am. She gave me the tools and showed me how to use them in real life. «
Actual Client Life-Satisfaction Results
Before & After Shift After 3 Months of Mindset Coaching.
*Orange bars indicate inverted scale where reduction is a positive indicator.
What an amazing ride! It shook me to the core. Learning from you has taught me so much – I realize what becomes possible when you ask the right questions.
~ Client & Event Participant
How We’ll Work Together
Learn To Create Space For Lightness & Meaningful Momentum
your head space.
Discover the art of decluttering your thoughts to create space for clear actions and movements. Take the Energy Leadership™ Index Assessment for a snapshot of your current energy allocation.
your stories.
Build the capacity to consciously respond and shape your choices instead of just reacting to life’s ups and downs. Discover the keys to shift old habits and construct your internal dialogue to work for you.
your lightness.
Shift your mindset from fixed to growth, opening the doors for playful exploration, mental ease and free movement. Build the confidence to move through any uncertainty with deep inner trust.
Hey! I’m Rebecca.
I’m a mindset coach and storytelling consultant. I’ve got a deep curiosity for exploring the old beliefs and inner dialogues that shape our behaviours and life experiences.
I know from my own life experience that sometimes just a single thought stands between consistent frustration and lightness of being. At some point I felt chained down by the old stories I believed about myself: what I could and couldn’t do… how I should or shouldn’t be… why I was or wasn’t worthy of love and belonging.
I know now that the key to freedom lies within our own minds and our chosen stories. This work changed my life, and I’m immensely grateful for the chance to accompany others in reigniting their natural spark and finding more lightness in life.
This life is too serious to take ourselves too seriously.
A Few Random Facts:
‣ Hometown: I’m a Louisiana native who grew up in the dirt playing happily with turtles, snakes and frogs. Just give me fresh seafood, sweet tea and bluesy-jazz and I’m happy.
‣ Career Background: 10+ years as an Interior Architect + Workplace Culture Strategist. (Hence “Inner Architecture”…get it?)
‣ Sandwich Architect: I (re)construct any sandwich to ensure each bite is equally tasty.
+41 (0) 79 101 8478
Elsässerstrasse 15, 4056 Basel (CH)